Monday 3 November 2014

Erica Rhodes

Erica Rhodes is a stand up comedian and actress. She is a pioneer in the LA comedy scene, producing work that kills it at the festivals and working with high profile actors and comedians.

You haven't heard her name? Don't worry, neither had I... but that's what the Twitter is for!!!

I think my life is actually better for having discovered the talents of Erica Rhodes. As my comedian (a woman, a rather tall, hilarious woman) friend shared, there just are NOT enough women in live comedy. So it's a boon that the States have someone as motivated and funny as Ms. Rhodes.

To find out more about Erica, follow her on Twitter...

...and check out her manager's page for her on omnipop!

Erica was kind enough to do a quick Twitter interview with me this week:

Molly: What do you say to actors who think that comedy is the weaker form of the craft, given that it takes great timing, creativity and charisma?

Erica: Who thinks that? I have only heard actors saying comedy is the hardest form of the craft. Anyone else I would say is dumb.

Molly: Would you describe an experience that made you feel empowered and optimistic in your creative profession?

Erica: Yes, just jumping into stand up gave me empowerment right away. Getting good at it is hard but starting is hardest.

Molly: What was your personal journey into acting and comedy?

Erica: I felt frustrated and stuck with acting and auditions and I wanted more control over my career. I went to an open mic and did a spontaneous ten minutes of babble and when I showed the video to my manager he said I needed to write jokes next time. So I did and then I was hooked. I love writing and performing so it's a good fit for me.

Molly: You've won a few awards and have been recognised as a very talented actor and comic, what made you proudest?

Erica: I'm proudest of opening for Maria Bamford my comedy idol!

Molly: Do you prefer to work with straight actors or comedians? What is the main difference in their approaches to work and socialising?

Erica: I always prefer working with comedians over straight actors. They are smart and clever and entertaining and have depth.

Molly: A couple of years ago there was some debate over whether men are funnier than women. Do guys still pull that crap with you in stand-up?

Erica: A couple of years ago? There's always debate about whether women are less funny than men. They can be less egotistical but I don't think they're less funny. Men sometimes lean on their confidence too much. I am trying to keep my femininity as a stand up which is hard, sometimes they expect you to be rough or tough or brash. I'm none of those things but have my own style.

Molly: You clearly work very hard, are you working on anything new that we can look forward to in 2015?

Erica: I'm just continuing working on my stand up, performing all around LA and hopefully on the road soon. Also co-hosting a sketch game show Called 'stardumb' with Bil Dwyer for riot Fest in LA and sketchfest in SF. I shot comics unleashed last month which should air in the next few months.

Molly: What are three words (literally 3 words) of advice that you would give to someone trying to emulate your success?

Erica: Keep failing upwards